The Convert's Song Now you can Read The Convert's Song with detailed description: Valentine Pescatore has put a hazardous life in US law enforcement behind him, and started over as a private investigator in Buenos Aires. But dangers have followed him from home. Soon after a chance encounter with his long-lost friend Raymond - a charismatic, troubled man who's recently converted to Islam - a terrorist attack kills hundreds. Suspicion falls on Raymond...putting Pescatore in the frame too. Angry and betrayed, Pescatore joins forces with a beautiful French agent to clear his name by tracking his old friend down....
The Convert's Song
Senin, 13 Juli 2015 | komentar (3)
Tail Gait: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery
Senin, 13 Juli 2015 | komentar
Best Book Tail Gait: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery Now you can Read Book Tail Gait: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery with detailed description: There’s nothing like a tail well told. Rita Mae Brown and her feline co-author Sneaky Pie Brown return with an all-new mystery featuring Mary Minor “Harry” Haristeen, crime-solving cats Mrs. Murphy and Pewter, and ever-faithful Tee Tucker the corgi. TAIL GAIT Spring has sprung in Crozet, Virginia—a time for old friends to gather and bid farewell to the doldrums of winter. Harry and her husband, Fair, are enjoying a cozy dinner with some of the town’s leading citizens, including...
Man in the Middle
Minggu, 12 Juli 2015 | komentar
Best Book Man in the Middle Now you can Read Man in the Middle with detailed description: Man in the Middle is an action thriller about Peter Neil, a self-reliant but down on his luck Y generationer, who takes a job with a secretive, highly successful hedge fund in San Diego, learns to become a world-class trader, only to find out that the fund killed his mother when she found out it was laundering money for several South American drug cartels, and who, when his life is in jeopardy, manages to turn the tables on both the firm and the cartels with the help of an SEC agent and Neil’s lawyer girl friend. B002L16S34Nowadays,...
The Governor's Wife: A novel
Minggu, 12 Juli 2015 | komentar
Best The Governor's Wife: A novel Now you can Read The Governor's Wife: A novel with detailed description: In the latest installment in Michael Harvey’s beloved Michael Kelly series, Chicago’s favorite Ovid-reading, gun-toting private investigator takes on Illinois’s first family in a blistering thriller that charts the border where ambition ends and evil begins. It’s been two years since disgraced Illinois governor Ray Perry disappeared from a federal courthouse in Chicago moments after being sentenced to thirty-seven years in prison on corruption charges. P.I. Michael Kelly is sitting in his office when he...
A Scourge of Vipers
Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015 | komentar
Best Book A Scourge of Vipers Now you can A Scourge of Vipers with detailed description: To solve Rhode Island's budget crisis, the state's colorful governor, Attila the Nun, wants to legalize sports gambling, but her plan has unexpected consequences. Organized crime, professional sports leagues, and others who have a lot to lose - or gain - if gambling is made legal flood the state with money to buy the votes of state legislators. Liam Mulligan, investigative reporter for The Providence Dispatch, wants to investigate, but his bottom-feeding corporate bosses at the dying newspaper have no interest in serious...
The Gravy Train
Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015 | komentar
Read The Gravy Train Now you can Read Book The Gravy Train with detailed description: Finn Keane is a novice investment banker who helps an aging Chairman try to buy his company back, while the ruthless Wall Street sharks who drove it into bankruptcy do all they can to stop them so the Wall Streeters can carve it up for themselves.Excerpts from Trojan Horse, Bull Street and Vaccine Nation, David Lender's other thrillers, follow the text of The Gravy Train.B005WWR1F8Right now, you are able to see that hundreds 1000s of people searching for free book The Gravy Train book's and read it on their sweat property...
The Wedding Caper: The Bridal Mayhem Mystery Series, Book 1
Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015 | komentar
Read Book The Wedding Caper: The Bridal Mayhem Mystery Series, Book 1 Now you can Enjoy book The Wedding Caper: The Bridal Mayhem Mystery Series, Book 1 with detailed description: Join Annie Peterson, mother of the bride, as she solve crimes on her way to the wedding. In book one (The Wedding Caper) a $25,000 night deposit mysteriously disappears from the Clark County Savings and Loan, and Annie Peterson takes on the role of amateur sleuth to solve the mystery. Only one problem... she knows nothing about crime solving! With loads of humor and just enough of a mystery to make you wonder whodunit, this story is...